The “ides of March”

As lockdown measures were announced here in Panama, I for some reason recalled the famous line by Shakespeare, “Beware the ides of March.” I must say, the timing is interesting. We know that in all circumstances the Lord is faithful. Not knowing where this crisis we now find ourselves in will lead, we are thankful for some very productive months leading to this new season under lockdown. In January, February and early March, Drake and other local missionaries made the long trek, doable only in dry season, to an indigenous Embera community along the Rio Congo in the Darien jungle where God is growing a small congregation of believers in their faith and understanding of His Word. On two occasions we had mission teams from the States help with discipleship and a variety of projects ranging from children’s ministry to installing a much-needed water access system. Currently, we have no way of knowing what the actual situation is like in so many indigenous areas of Panama or in South America, though we have heard reports of great despair and hunger across Panama. Through ALTECO, we have been able to raise funds specifically for relief in the indigenous communities, and we eagerly await the go ahead to get back out and serve.

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